Congrats to our Build Order Contest winners!

A few weeks ago, we announced our Build Order Contest for the most upvoted build order and a raffle for voting on LotV Build Orders. The contest concluded this past weekend, and we’re happy to announce our winners of preorder copies of LotV!

Most upvoted build order: MorDka

MorDka shared his 2base immortal adept all-in as a new way for Protoss players to remind Zerg players what WoL felt like. You can read up on how it works, follow the build order, run the real-time build order, read the analysis and watch replays about how it works. Here are a few thoughts from the creator:

1. How are you liking the LotV beta so far?

Legacy of the Void is a lot of fun and frustrations since it’s so different than HotS. The game allows for more comebacks with the new units and the stronger defenders advantage. The fast pace of the game makes it more stressfull especially for lower level players and that’s why archon mode is so good, I really enjoy it.

2. How well is the build working on the ladder?

Well… Actually after the newest patch the build doesn’t work so well. Slowing down the warp in time made the warp prism way more vulnerable to corrosive bile and the adept nerf made the build quite a bit weaker but i think that it’s still viable on master level.

3. What builds are your opponents using that are giving you the most trouble?

The game has a bigger defenders advantage right now so there aren’t any specific build orders that i have trouble with. It’s usually a specific new unit that causes the troubles. For example Liberators or Lurkers.

You can find MorDka on twitter @MorDDDka.

Build Order Vote Raffle winner: woqwoqwoq

woqwoqwoq, uh, voted a lot! Or maybe he didn’t. Either way, he was the lucky winner in this contest. Here are a few thoughts from him.

1. How are you liking the LotV beta so far?

LotV is the fastest and funnier until now

2. What build orders have you been using on the ladder?

I’m doing a lot of Nydus play in ZvT and Brood Lords in ZvP


You can find woqwoqwoq on twitter @woqlol and on twitch at

Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest whether you won or not. Keep adding build orders and we’ll see what we as a community to come up with!

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