Artosis claims to play a safe, reactive style, but it doesn’t mean he goes into a game passively. I think his default builds are relatively standard, but he also mixes in some interesting all-in builds and experiments quite a bit.
Since I’m moving onto Terran now, I thought I would drop in a few interesting build orders that he used. I don’t have good enough notes to actually indicate how well they worked or what change he would make, but they could be an interesting starting point for you.
First up is a Dark Templar rush. The Dark Shrine is now 150 Minerals and 150 Gas (instead of 100/250 from WoL), so it could be worth throwing into Blink play just to catch your opponent off-guard. This particular build seems very fast.
Artosis PvP DT Rush
- 9 Pylon
- 13 Gateway
- 15 Assimilator
- 15 Pylon
- 18 Core
- 19 Assimilator
- 20 Gateway
- 21 Warpgate, Stalker
- 23 Pylon, Twilight Council
- 24 Stalker x2
- 29 Dark Shrine, Proxy Pylon
- 30 Gateway
- 6:30 Blink
- 6:55 Dark Templars (at proxy)
- 7:30 Nexus
- 7:45 Gateway
- 8:00 Gateway
Artosis also claimed that he wouldn’t be doing any more Void Ray all-ins, but he did. This particular one seems pretty standard, but if you’re like me and had never seen one before, expect a pre-10:00 attack.
Artosis PvP Void Ray all-in
- 9 Pylon
- 13 Gateway
- 15 Assimilator
- 16 Pylon
- 17 Core
- 19 Assimilator (cut probes)
- 19 Gateway
- 19 Stalker, Warpgate
- 21 Pylon (starting probes again)
- 23 Stalker (cut again)
- 25 Stalker (start again)
- 28 5:10 Stargate
- 29 Mothership Core
- Void Rays (up to 3)
- 7:30 Gateway x2
- 9:30 push
Switching matchups, Artosis also showed off a Stargate opening in PvZ. Elsewhere, I always advocate the Robo opening, but Stargate openings are also quite common. The Oracle is all the rage nowadays, but you can still go Phoenixes, or you can even do the old school 1 Void Ray and 2 Phoenixes if you really want.
Note that he still goes Robo anyways. Go figure.
Artosis PvZ Stargate opening
- 9 Pylon
- 16 Forge (Drone blocked Nexus)
- 17 Nexus
- 17 Pylon
- 17 Gateway (sees Spawning Pool)
- 17 Cannon
- 19 Assimilator
- 20 Assimilator
- 21 Core
- Stalker, +1, Warpgate
- 6:00 Gas
- Mothership Core
- 8:00 Stargate
- 9:00 Robotics Facility
- 10:30 Fleet beacon (reacting to Mutalisks)
- 11:00 Gateway x2
- 11:15 Robotics Support Bay
Finally, a PvT build. I’m actually really not sure what the intent of this build is, so I guess I included this just to show you what’s possible.
Artosis PvT Fast Colossus
- 9 Pylon
- 13 Gateway
- 15 Assimilator (2 in gas)
- 15 Pylon
- 18 Core
- 18 Zealot
- 23 Nexus (3 in gas)
- 24 Stalker
- 26 Pylon
- 26 Assimilator
- 26 Warpgate
- 27 5:20 Robotics Facility
- Assimilator
- 6:30 Robotics Support Bay
- Mothership Core
- Observer
- 7:45 Colossi, Gateway x2
- Sees mech, goes for Stargate instead
- Assimilator
Watch Artosis when you can. He’s not quite Code B level, but you can still learn a lot from him.